
For any request for information:
  • Please let us know your arrival time and your exact place of accommodation.
  • Take the time to give us some details about your request.
For any reservation request less than 48 hours in advance, it cannot be taken into account by this form, please contact us directly by phone or wattsapp at + 689 87 70 96 95.
First Name (*) : 
Last Name (*) : 
e-Mail (*) : 
Phone (*) : 

Rent a car :

Rent a scooter :
For :
For rentals of more than 24 hours, please specify the return date

Your message :
How did you hear about Moorea Fun Bike? 
Anti-spam Question : Six Minus Five =  *

Questions with a star (*) are mandatory.
Attention! During the busy summer period, requests are numerous and schedules change very quickly. If you are interested in a vehicle, you must book quickly to be sure of having availability.